Things to do in Granada Spain


Imagine visiting the town that was the most populated in Europe seven centuries ago, or stepping into the palace of The Arabian Nights whose walls are still echoing with stories of princesses… Or better yet – travel to Andalusia! But first, read about things to do in Granada Spain with everything you need to know. […]

What to do in Malaga


Malaga was the first place I visited in Andalusia and the last one I saw before leaving this province in the south of Spain, so here are few tips on – what to do in Malaga. This Mediterranean coastal town was my first stop in the area where diverse cultures collided centuries ago, giving birth […]

Welcome to Andalusia Spain

Andalusia Travel

This mesmerizing province in the south of Europe was on my bucket list for years and I can finally post about Andalusia Spain on my travel blog since I just came back from the region two weeks ago. I always had a certain oneiric feeling about it, being smitten by its history, scientific and architectural achievements, not to […]