The mesmerizing Cuba beaches
I heard a lot about Cuba beaches before I came here and it was all true. The island is located in the Mexican Gulf, its
I heard a lot about Cuba beaches before I came here and it was all true. The island is located in the Mexican Gulf, its
I just have to add one more anecdote from Bajina Basta, and with it we will end this series of the 19th-century Serbia seen through
The river Drina can be seen sporadically coming from Rogachica village towards Bajina Bashta town. Hidden by lush bushes and linden trees, it pops out
As I was told, down the same street where the Green Wreath hotel was, there was the only working restaurant I could eat in. It
When you go further towards the town of Mali Zvornik, that is when the river Drina starts to appear here and there. The road was
When arriving in Ljubovija town after a shortstop to Banja Koviljaca, the main thing to do was to find a place to stay. We were
We got lost a bit, again, choosing „shortcuts“ rather than the regular road. It seems that Andrew Archibald Paton’s path wasn’t that clear either, even
Wanted to visit Banja Koviljacha spa center, and this is a short reminder of a legend regarding the place – before we go through Loznica
„Officer persuaded me to take a Highland ramble into the Gutchevo range, and first visit Tronosha… Ascending rapidly, we were soon lost in the woods,
On our way from Kaona Monastery, we didn’t go to the main road from Trshic village, since the town of Loznica iz only seven kilometers
„Through the richest land, forming part of the ancient banat of Matchva, which was in the earlier periods of Servian and Hungarian history so often
Even though our British diplomat didn’t get the chance to go to Kaona hill on the way to Loznica town, hidden by the forest and
On our way towards the Sava river, we passed by small craft stores and there were railway tracks as we were told (an old small
„Surrendering our horses to the care of the khan keeper, I proceeded to the konak, or government house, to present my letters. This proved to
So, let me just take a quick break here and tell you what happened on my way to Shabac, a town less than 90 kilometers
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