Things to do in Aqaba

Aqaba-Glimpses of the World

Here are the things to do in Aqaba, another interesting place to visit in Jordan, besides Petra and Wadi Rum. It might not be the best idea to come during summer though, because of the high temperatures. Still, you might consider traveling to Jordan after this travel series and having a nice Aqaba holiday. I […]

Jerash ruins: The Roman Arabia


If you go north from Amman, as I did, you will get to Jerash ruins which are not to be missed when you travel to Jordan. This is one of the most important historical places in Jordan, one of the most significant Roman cities in the region that is well preserved to this day. So, […]

Mount Nebo Jordan: Impressions


Mount Nebo Jordan is one of the places to visit in the Middle East. I was surprised to learn that Jordan houses some of the most important religious landmarks related to Judaism and Christianity. Even though the Dead Sea and Petra are usually on everyone’s bucket list, visitors tend to overlook other special places that […]

Dead Sea facts


Here are some Dead Sea facts one should know before traveling to Jordan. There are a few more locations (besides Petra) that are extremely interesting to visitors to this Middle Eastern country. One of them is the Dead Sea. This unique sea stretches between Israel and Jordan, and I just couldn’t wait to see it. […]

Ancient city of Petra


Every traveler knows that one of the stops in Jordan has to be the ancient city of Petra. It was in some movie (and it wasn’t Indiana Jones III) that I saw Petra for the first time. I was sure that it was just another movie set because I couldn’t believe that something like this […]

Amman Things to do


This post Amman Things to do is dedicated to the capital of Jordan given that the city is abundant in places to visit. Amman is a modern city with the usual traffic jams (Arabic style), cozy hotels, nice walkways, and shopping malls with shops from Starbucks to Prada. I had a lot of fun when […]

Interesting facts about Jordan


Here are some interesting facts about Jordan that I collected during my numerous trips to the Middle East. It’s easy to understand how impatient I was to visit the country if I tell you that I was so eager to go for a few years. I knew that I shouldn’t travel on my own, not […]

Let’s travel to Jordan


The time has come to visit one spectacular country in the Middle East which welcomed Lawrence of Arabia and Indiana Jones. The jewel of rose-colored sand and hidden ancient towns that offers a modern city experience with business districts and shopping malls, but also – Bedouin tents and camel rides. And that’s not all! One of the best-preserved Roman […]