
First stop – Antalya

On the way to Cappadocia Turkey, our first stop was Antalya, a charming town at the foot of the Taurus Mountains with a lovely beach and cozy marina. Being there for a couple of days didn’t just want to lie on the beach, but rather to stroll along the coast. There was a mound to be seen from Antalya’s Marina, while the beach was on the opposite side. They told us that the famous Ataturk Park stretches in the middle.

The park is located on the hill’s rocks and the view from there is amazing. Because of the heights expect some steady breeze. Look up and there you’ll see few paragliders above your head. Nice alleys along the way, green areas, flowers of all kinds, even a few improvised springs, and wooden bridges.

If you are just passing through you can find benches to sit and enjoy the view. But if it’s too appealing – and believe me it is – there is a wide range of restaurants and cafes to take a break-in.

Enjoying the view from one of the cafes in Antalya

We got the table in one, ordered lunch, and waited, and waited, and waited… Turkish families with numerous members were pouring in, moving tables around, being noisy and cheerful (obviously on holidays), and the waiter just couldn’t manage to be everywhere at the same time. The weather was great, warm, with that breeze, tables were lied out in the shade of a pine tree. It wasn’t quiet because of those group-lunches, but we didn’t mind. It was interesting to see how they were all drinking hot tea in this warm weather, while we were craving cold water.

And then, the waiter got to our table, at last, he brought bread while we were waiting for the meal to be ready. The basket was full as the whole big bread was cut in slices and put in there!

“We are not expecting any more company”, I smiled, looking at that laden basket.

“Oh no, that’s just for you, you can never have enough of bread!”, he said.

Glanced around towards other tables – he was right, all the baskets were loaded! Don’t let me even begin to describe those baskets included in Turkish families’ lunches…


The full Cappadocia SERIES


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0 responses

  1. Antalya is magic! I visited it in a very hot summer more than 5 years ago but really enoyed every minute of it. Thank you for bringing such nice memories with this super fresh post! 🙂

  2. I’ve been planning to go to Turkey for several years and for one thing or another we did never go. Now with the political situation of the country I’m a little renitent of traveling there. But it really looks great!

    1. Oh, I know the feeling. I’ve “rushed” to Syria once and was lucky enough to see the country before all this insanity happened. Will post it in couple of months. 🙂 As for Turkey, vast country with a lot of things to see!

  3. Good morning. I was reading the comments and got upset because there are some people who want to see my country but hesitate due to the political situation. Yes, the situation in my beautiful and lonely country is saddening for many of us, the citizens, but I don’t think it has something to do with visitors. And because there are very few tourists, people working in tourism are suffering economically and so many shops and hotels are closed one by one, so I am afraid there might not be a next time to visit the country. OK, I don’t want to sound too hopeless, sorry for that, but I am a traveller myself too, and have been to many other places around the world and have been living in Antalya for three years just because I think it’s the most beautiful place on earth (as Ataturk said), and live this city to full, and has never experienced any danger for tourists other than bad traffic and stuff where you can see anywhere in the world. Fear of terror and economic situations are different issues, but politics shouldn’t stop one I guess. Gotten too long, sorry. I am writing this only because I felt sad for those who want to see Antalya, not another reason. I don’t like crowd, especially places full of families with numerous number of families, so always find places where I can enjoy the silence and beauty.
    I am sorry, I wrote too much I guess, but I have just come across your blog and this is the first post I have read. I love talking to locals when I visit a country, so thought you might like to hear some of the stuff from a local too. I haven’t seen the rest of your blog yet, but I hope you had a chance to see some real beautiful places in and around Antalya. Have a great day.

    1. It is a bit long, but don’t worry. I would be upset if I were you, it’s understandable! Love your country, I’ve traveled to different regions and towns there, and can only recommend it to other travelers. Guess that people are not concerned about politics, but about their own safety. Thank you for sharing this! Hope most people would begin to see it differently, best of luck to you and Turkey! 🙂

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