UNESCO town in Cuba

Things to do in Trinidad Cuba

Here are things to do in Trinidad Cuba since there really is a lot to see here. Even though Havana is not to be missed, it’s not the only place to visit.

One of the reasons one comes to the island, besides beaches, rum, and samba, is the legacy of Che Guevara, the famous guerrilla leader who helped belated president Fidel Castro carry out the revolution. Also, travelers from around the globe (me included) love going back in time and visiting the lovely colonial mansions.

So, skip the beach for a day or two and head over to Trinidad, Cienfuegos, and Santa Clara.

Towns in Cuba Glimpses-of-The-World
Tomas Terry Teatro in Cienfuegos Cuba

Cienfuegos Cuba

This tour was so rewarding. We went to Central Cuba and one of the stops was Cienfuegos. The town was founded in 1819 by Catholic settlers from the former French colonies of Haiti and Louisiana. The gulf itself was discovered by Columbus in 1494.

Here at the Parque Marti you will find the only triumphal arch in Cuba, commissioned in 1902 to celebrate the Republic. Also, the Teatro Tomas Terry is hard to miss, the one that was built in the 19th century to fulfill the last will and testament of the sugar factory owner.

Cienfuegos Cuba
Parque Marti

On the other side of the park, there is the Museo Provincial building, which was once the Casino Espanol. Its furniture, marble objects, and crystal, and porcelain collections, bear witness to the wealth of 19th-century families who lived here. There is also Palacio Ferrer built at the beginning of the 1900s. This is where Enrico Caruso stayed when he performed at the Teatro Tomas Terry.

THINGS TO DO IN TRINIDAD CUBA: Take a walk along cobblestone streets

Things to do in Trinidad Cuba

A town that truly takes you on a trip through time is Trinidad. Even though the town was founded in the 16th century, a vast portion of the population left a few centuries later due to the poor economy. It was also somewhat isolated because the railway that went throughout Cuba was not introduced here until 1919. Roads to Cienfuegos and Sancti Spiritus were only laid out in the 1950s.

That is the main reason why the town stayed the same just like time has stopped. It was declared World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1988.

Trinidad Cuba
Plaza Mayor in Trinidad

So, just imagine strolling along cobblestone streets and passing pastel-colored houses – a few authentic things to do in Trinidad Cuba. There is Plaza Mayor. On one side of the Plaza, Museo de Arquitectura Colonial stands in a beautifully restored old mansion. On the other – Museo Romantico, with a collection of furniture and items from another era. It’s possible to go inside and admire not only the luxurious rooms but also the whole town from its terraces.

Trinidad Cuba
THINGS TO DO IN TRINIDAD CUBA: Enjoy the view from the Museo Romantico terrace

You will notice charming windows and doors in this town, rich in wrought-iron ornamental motifs and with wooden shutters.

The town is also recognizable by the bell tower of the Monastery of San Francisco. It’s easy to come across local cocktail bars and small tavernas with live music, the so-called Casas de la Trova. This is another must-do among things to do in Trinidad Cuba given that it provides a genuine Cuban feel.

Casa de la Trova in Trinidad

Santa Clara Cuba

One more town was part of the tour I took – Santa Clara Cuba. It became especially famous because of the event in 1958. This is where the last battle of the guerrilla war led by Che Guevara took place, and it is now known as “the city of the heroic guerrilla”.

The place to visit here is the memorial center called “Comandante Ernesto Che Guevara”.

People of Trinidad Cuba

The monument of Che was built to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the battle of Santa Clara in 1988. The complex comprises a museum and the mausoleum of Che Guevara. The museum houses his personal belongings – a uniform, watch, pipe, container for mate tea, Che’s famous beret, and jacket.

Che’s body was transferred here in 1997, 30 years after he was arrested and killed in Bolivia when he was 39.

Che Guevara Museum Cuba

This Argentinian by birth was the central figure in Cuban Revolution aside from Fidel Castro. (Castro’s urn was placed in the same mausoleum at the end of 2016.) Known to be persistent, well-educated, and with a great sense of humor, Che Guevara still inspires people all around the globe with his ideology.

A lovely street in Santa Clara

I knew that Che was an important figure for Cubans but I didn’t realize how appreciated he still is. His legacy is still very alive on the island.

After I came back from Cuba, I read all I could find about Ernesto Guevara. I saw many black-and-white photos and listened to his interviews. And now I respect him even more.


The full Cuba SERIES

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UNESCO town in Cuba

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20 responses

  1. Interesting post…somehow all trips to Cuba always start and end with Havana and that’s how I had also been planning it. Great suggestion on visiting the Mausoleum of Che Guevara…he was certainly a fascinating leader!

    1. Havana is certainly a must, but it’s not the only town to visit in Cuba. There are so many lovely landmarks that it would be a pity not to go around the island. And yes, Che Guevara’s Museum is one of them. 🙂

  2. ‘Che’ Guevara truly was a man of the people and his legacy lives on even today – not just in Cuba but all over the world where people are struggling. Trinidad is one of the most beautiful towns of Cuba! I didn’t realize that it was because they didn’t build the original railroad through there that allowed it to remain unchanged for so long. What an interesting tidbit of history!

    1. It is, isn’t it! People there didn’t have the railroad nor the proper road towards the nearest towns. It was hard to get around.
      Incredible detail. 🙂
      But it looks so beautiful today, a real pearl of the island.
      Thanks for stopping by, Nick. 🙂

  3. Even I only knew about Havana from the list of must-see places in the continent. This now sheds light on the less visited parts of this quirky country. I somehow find it difficult to place this country given its various cultural influences. Nice to see its so cosmopolitan in its outlook!

    1. Oh, there is a lot more to see besides Havana!
      These three towns in central Cuba, but also Pinar del Rio in the western part of the island, Santiago de Cuba on the east.
      Not to mention amazing beaches and small islands along the coast, or the mountain of Sierra Maestra where Che Guevara and Castro were hiding at the beginning of the Revolution….
      So many things to explore! 🙂

  4. Cuba is definitely a country I’d like to visit. I read books about Che when I was about 14 years old and I thought he was really cool. Only later though I realised how cool he really is. Trinidad looks so lovely. I bet it’s a really relaxed mood there. I love your pictures!

    1. I was so thrilled to visit Guevara’s Museum. Just imagine a place where you can see his jacket or a beret. Those are the things to remember. 🙂

  5. Cuba truly is one of those countries worthy of a visit and you’ve made me want to visit so much more than Havana – Haa!! The architecture you’ve captured in this post is so unique to this part of the world.

  6. I didn’t realise there was so much to see and do in Cuba, or that Trinidad was a World Heritage site! The history is really fascinating too – of course everyone has heard about the revolution, but not so much of life before. I would easily recognise Che Guevara from pictures and photos, but learning more about him both as a person, and how he came to lead the revolution and shape the way Cuba is today, would be so interesting.

  7. I haven’t been to Cuba yet so really enjoyed your post. It’s one of those places I say I’ll visit but as of yet I have done no research or planning for a trip there so it’s nice to start to get an idea of what a visit is like

    1. You’re welcome to browse around the blog, since I’ve posted the whole Cuba series this month. And I know you’ll find so many interesting stories from the island. 😉
      Thanks for stopping by, Claire!

  8. Thanks for a great post! As a U.S. citizen, I’m glad to finally be able to visit Cuba and look forward to seeing all it has to offer me. I’ll definitely have to check out Trinidad!

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