The news in September 2017 was so disturbing because not only that it was hurricane season in Cuba but a storm called Irma rushed through the island. Reports of the damage glued me to the TV screens for hours. The monster storm was tearing off roofs, wrecking the power grid, and damaging crops for a couple of days on the island, leaving Cuba in need of assistance.
More than 10 people were killed, some of those beautiful old facades in Havana collapsed, and towns are left with no electricity or drinking water. Such a loss for this vibrant island!

Irma is long gone now and I am happy that Cubans found a way once again to pull through harsh times. I stumbled upon videos from Havana where people were dancing in the street surrounded by floods. Don’t you just admire the attitude? It’s like they found the will to celebrate life once again, even in such conditions. It makes me so humble.

These tragic events made me think of my trip to Cuba and made me remember all those wonderful things I saw and the friendly people I encountered. I was also pleased that I was able to share the experience in this special blog series.
It reminded me that I also traveled during the hurricane season in Cuba, even though I was lucky enough not to witness anything close to Irma. Nowadays the story even seems funny, having in mind that it ended well. So, this is my homage to Cuba after Irma, sharing a few more photos of wonderful sites around the country.
And here is the story.

Hurricane season in Cuba
So, my plan was to go around the whole country when I visited. The southmost part was not that close to Varadero (which is in the far north) but I wanted to dedicate a few days to island exploring. I already visited the central part of the island, Trinidad, Cienfuegos, and Santa Clara, went to Havana a few times, had a few days left and I was eager to see if it was possible to go to Santiago de Cuba.

The weather was strange those days with a lot of humidity. It was raining from time to time, but still hot (just as it usually is in August). So, that night I planned to stay in and go through the guidebook I bought in Havana. My TV was on and I found an English-speaking channel to see the forecast.
And I didn’t move for the whole hour!

A hurricane, really?!
“The latest news”, the voice said: “Cuba is hit by a hurricane.”
Excuse me?! The hurricane, the real one? Coming from central Europe, the only hurricane I have seen thus far was the one in Hollywood movies. And it always seems devastating, the worst it can get.
Come again, the real hurricane?!

“Half of million Cubans were evacuated from the east part of the island”, it said again.
It was one of those US news channels that you think the world will end right then and there after seeing their reports. And I didn’t have any alternatives, didn’t understand Spanish. So, I was glued to the screen for the most part of the night and couldn’t believe I was hearing about hurricane season in Cuba.
Reports said the name of the hurricane was Ernesto. It did a lot of damage to the Dominican Republic and it now came to Cuba. There was footage of crushed houses and ripped-out trees.
“Will the Katrina disaster happen again, the one that took more than 1,200 lives…”

What?! Katrina? For those of you who don’t remember, it was a tragic category 5 hurricane that hit the US in August 2005 and we all watched for a long time how devastating it was and how hard it was for people to go back to their lives afterward. I did somewhat understand the panic on the news channel. After all, it was hurricane season in Cuba.

“Call the embassy”
I didn’t sleep very well that night. After having coffee in the lobby, it seemed like a lot of people were leaving the hotel. “Can it be…”, I thought, “could it be related to Ernesto?” I went back to my room and saw the news. “500.000 people left their homes in Cuba, hoping that Ernesto would weaken…”
I turned off the TV, it’s better to go to the beach. “I’ll probably forget about it.”

The weather was nice, it was around 28 degrees Celsius. I kept staring at those clouds. “I don’t know why I do that. I don’t even know how that hurricane leech forms”, it crossed my mind. But I was still staring.
And it seemed that people were a bit nervous and leaving the beach.

Okay, so I decided not to leave the hotel that day, to follow the reports and see what will happen with Ernesto. I remembered a lady with whom I have booked the trip to Cuba back in Serbia, saying that “there is no need to be worried, but the hurricane season has begun”. (The hurricane season in Cuba lasts from June to November, with the highest possibility for hurricanes in September and October.)
She even gave me the phone number to the Serbian embassy in Havana but in Mexico City as well – “just in case”.

“Why Mexico City?” I asked.
“Well, you never know,” she said.
What did she think, that I would swim to Mexico if Cuba was hit by a hurricane, across the whole gulf! And then I might find the phone booth coming out of the water and just call the embassy. Well, why not just swim back home instead, right?

People leaving…
Another night went by. I didn’t sleep much. I hesitated in the lobby since I am not a person that panics that easily. Besides, I’m a journalist (even though in print media), so I know how things are done in these situations and why those TV reports are so disturbing.
But a lot of people were still leaving, I was looking at them pulling their suitcases. Cubans who worked at the hotel were casual and calm as always.
“Oh, who cares, just go there and ask!” I said to myself.

So, I went up to the Cuban lady at the counter.
“Why are all those people leaving?”
“Their holiday is over.”
“It doesn’t have anything to do with the hurricane?”
“Oh, no, it’s fine, it’s still too weak.” (“Too weak and half of million people were evacuated?” I wanted to ask, but kept quiet.)
After a ton of questions, she explained that there is a regular evacuation plan in case of a hurricane and that all the guests would be transferred to Havana.

I thought about it for a minute and then said: “Okay, thank you for the info. May I just please ask one more thing? I understand that women and children, families come first. But could you just be so kind not to forget about me, since I am here alone?”
She smiled, and I smiled back, blushing a bit.

Cheers, Ernesto!
This was the second day I spent at the hotel. I had two more days left before going back home. There was no way to go to Santiago one way or another… I went to the room and turned the TV on again.
“Ernesto just got reduced to a tropical storm, it got weakened while on the Cuban soil” the voice stated.
“You know what?” I said out loud, turned off the TV, and rushed out to the beach. I didn’t want to think about hurricane season in Cuba, not for another second.

I had a blast for those last few days, having mojitos by the pool, going to the beach party I was invited to by some guys from Spain, swimming as much as I could, and trying to learn a few rumba steps. I didn’t take another look at the TV screen and just danced away my last hours in Cuba, this wonderfully vibrant country.
Cheers to you, Ernesto, and farewell!
The End
The full Cuba SERIES
40 responses
Yes, it is awful what has happened in Cuba. Hope, like you do, for better times ahead for those caught up in it…Beautiful pictures you have here!
Thank you!
Feeling sad about the hurricane Irma’s destruction in Cuba. it is a beautiful country. People are very bold and confident. The hurricane can’t destroy their attitude towards life.Thanks for sharing your experiences from Cuba.
It takes time to recover, I’m sure they’ll find the strength. Thanks for stopping by.
Horrible what happened with hurricane Irma rushing over the Caribbean. Reminds me of my trip to Mexico years ago. You have this amazing time, everything is great, and than a massive hurricane ruins everything. It makes you go back to when you were there and hope everything is ok with the lovely people you met. Been to Cuba in 2009, absolutely loved it. Such a special country
Glad to hear you’re okay after that Mexico experience! So true, you keep remembering people you’ve met, hoping everybody’s safe.
Glad your experience was not to bad. Hurricane season is scary. I live in Florida and we have the threat every year. Had to evacuate this year wth Irma. It is very sad to see how Mother Nature can totally devastate a region or country. Fortunately as you said the Cuban people have good spirit and they will survive yet and have stories to tell. Hoping everyone stayed safe.
Oh, I’m so sorry that you had to evacuate because of Irma. Hope you and your family are okay! <3
It must be stressful to live in a range of the hurricane, to actually have the hurricane season. I can't even imagine. You must be so courageous!
I smiled at this – it’s funny how locals always see these events differently having lived through it a lot. I’m glad you got to enjoy Cuba for another couple of days and avoided a hurricane! It’s so sad about the devastation of Irma – I hope all the islands can recover and persevere!
Exactly, it seemed so serious to me, even though it wasn’t at the time. 😀
I wish it didn’t get serious this year either.
Hurricanes can be so unpredictable – so glad Ernesto turned out good for you and you had a great holiday, but so sad Irma has caused such devastation so recently. But it sounds like nothing will take away Cuba’s soul 🙂
I always admire their spirit, such courageous people. 🙂
It’s funny how we sometimes get attached to the places we visit as a tourist, when something bad happens there we feel directly touched even if it all happens on the other side of the world. I felt the same when the big 2007 earthquake hit Peru. Unfortunately it’s not the first nor the last hurricane to hit the West Indies but I know that humans are always brave enough to stand up, rebuild everything and get their life back to normal. I have never been to Cuba but it seems really special, I hope to find this special atmosphere when I eventually visit it!
I can only imagine what it was like to watch the earthquake damage in Peru on TV and to wonder what happened with all the people you’ve met…
But I guess it says a lot about the country and its people when you take such memories and worry as if they were your own family, right! You’ll have the same feeling when you get to Cuba. 🙂
What a wonderful love story of Cuba. I’m glad you could dance your troubles away, and that your ordeal turned out to be a false alarm, but I feel so devastated about all the recent destruction and clearly so do you. It is a fascinating country.
I know that Cuba is going to be okay, eventually, but I’m sorry that people had to go through this.
Cuba is lovely, one of my favorite destinations.
Thanks, Carol! 🙂
Whew I had tensed up a bit as I read on. Glad Ernesto quietened down and you learned Spanish rumba steps. 🙂 A holiday hard to forget for sure.
So true, a memorable one!
Hope Cuba overcome this soon and the worst hurricane they’ll ever have will be not worse than a fun story to tell afterwards!
Yes, well, my Ernesto experience was just a funny story to share with friends. But after Irma, it made me think.
Fingers crossed, it will all end well for Cuba.
Thank you!
My heart broke as I followed the devastation that Irma caused, everything in me wanted to tell everyone to secure their homes and get out. I live in the Whitsundays in Queensland, Australia and we copped a direct hit from a cat 4 cyclone earlier this year. It was one of the most awful experiences of my life. And absolutely nothing could be done because storms like that, well they are so unpredictable, we kind of just had to take it.
Anyways, I am super pleased your adventure worked out well for you and you had a great time. I know it will always hold a special place in your heart. 🙂
Oh, I’m so sorry that you had to go through those cyclones! <3
Carola said it, it's easy for us foreigners to come and go. The hard part is to endure all the trouble the storm brings. And to stay safe, and sane!
Thanks, Anna, take care!
Lucky! But I think your experience shows one thing: as foreigners we usually have to worry a lot less as hotels are providing help to get through storms and embassies are there to help you get out. I guess most locals are less lucky.
Happy continued travels!
Well noticed, we can even choose whether to travel during the hurricane season or not. Locals are just stuck there…
Thank you!
Good it ended well. Funny as all of Europe thinks like Hollywood type of hurricanes will appear. Maybe we should visit Cuba more and watch less crazy disaster movies! 😉
Hehehe, you’re so right. This funny experience did change my perspective. The best thing is definitely to travel and learn, not to be that susceptible to screen influences, whether it’s the news or the movies. 😀
It’s so sad what has happened to Cuba and many countries recently due to the hurricanes. Very scary. I enjoyed reading your story ???? Glad Ernesto dialed it back and you were able to enjoy the rest of your trip. You’re right, the US news channels do make it feel like the world is ending!
Thanks, so glad you like the story. 🙂
Yes, well, there are news reports that are just to be skipped if you ask me. 😀
This is a heartening homage Daniella 🙂 To the vibrant island, to its brave people and in their indomitable spirit! 🙂 It is so colourful, its architecture, streets, a carnival like attitude and those beaches!! Stunning. Great pictures and I love your account 🙂
Thank you so much, I’m so glad it’s clear what the actual intention of the post was! 🙂 Thanks!
I was born and raised in the Philippines, so we had typhoons hitting us all the time. I feel for Cuba and the other parts of the world that were devastated by the recent hurricanes.
Oh, that must have been stressful. Nature can be seriously dangerous.
I had a similar situation last year when I was traveling to the Caribbean during Hurricane Matthew. I was so panicked, but it ended up being fine (at least where I was). However, I feel for those it did hit and I am more apprehensive about traveling during hurricane season now.
You had your own hurricane vacation story? Well, then you know what I was trying to describe here.
I’m so glad that Matthew ended up being fine for you as Ernesto did for me.
It is really sad that a country as beautiful as Cuba is constantly sent back in self repair mode due to Atlantic hurricanes. I come from a regular storm hit area of India and I totally feel the plight of people there. Good for you that the hurricane weakened and you were safe. Hope Cuba is able to come out of the doomed days Irma has caused recently.
BTW Beautiful pictures 🙂
Thanks, Vaisakhi, thank you for your kind words! 🙂
These last weeks have been terrible for the Caribean countries and its hard to see such poor countries and people strugling with further dificulties.
Hope it all calms down soon…
Ouff, in the end you were lucky with Ernesto! But I can imagine the stress during the previous days, especially when you saw everybody was leaving . . . Glad that nothing happened and you could enjoy two days on the beach.
Oh yes, extremely lucky! I think that I’ve appreciated those couple of days even more at the end. 😀