Things to do in Lucca Italy

Things to do in Lucca Italy

Chances are that you haven’t even heard about this town let alone about any things to do in Lucca Italy. Still, if you happen to travel to central Italy or the province of Tuscany, try not to miss it. I didn’t know much about Lucca before coming here either – and then I took a […]

Things to do in Cinque Terre

Vernazza Italy Glimpses of the World

Things to do in Cinque Terre are not typically Italian – there are no museums and famous artwork. Still, this is one of the most popular destinations in the country and quite reachable. You just need to know when and how to come. If you are in a broad “neighborhood” – in Tuscany, Veneto, or […]

Tuscany Beaches

Tuscany Beaches

Tuscany Beaches is not a typical title one would expect when it comes to this Italian province. It’s best known for its extraordinary architectural and artistic achievements. Let me just remind you that Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci used to live and work here and that towns such as Florence and Pisa are situated in […]

Best places in Tuscany

Places in Tuscany

Here are some places in Tuscany that one can’t miss. We all know that this Italian province is abundant in specific landscapes and vineyards where important towns remain strong throughout centuries but given that I went to visit during summer, I found out that one can head out to Tuscany for a summer vacation as well. […]

Places to see in Italy

Italy Attractions

Places to see in Italy are numerous. That is why there will be lots of posts from various parts of the country for you to choose from. As soon as the new post is live, it will be posted below separately. If you don’t want to miss any of the posts from Italy, the best […]