Things to do in Gozo


Here are things to do in Gozo. They told me that the northern island of Gozo is more rural than Malta, and they were right. Smaller by two-thirds than the main island, this one houses few settlements and coves, but also the orange-sand-beach, the great 16th-century-fort, and the cave where the famous Odysseus was allegedly […]

Beaches in Malta

Blue-Lagoon-Glimpses of the World

When I decided to travel here this summer, I was certainly looking forward to spending time at beaches in Malta. One just has to be allured by the surreal colors of the see-through water, cozy coves, and interesting rock formations. I am not really into lying on sunbeds all day long, but one of my […]

Things to do in Mdina

Mdina Glimpses of the World

Things to do in Mdina and its attractions are not to be missed. This is where the Maltese diverse heritage really comes to life. On one hand, this was a bustling town during the Romans, while on the other, the name itself reveals that it has something to do with the Arabs (medina meaning ‘town’ […]

Things to do in Valletta


Why “Things to do in Valletta”? Well, Malta was not a destination I gave much thought to earlier, at least not before I visited the Old Town on Rhodes Greece. Not only it is well kept and still in use, but it was built by – the Maltese knights (or the knights of Rhodes who […]

Malta Things to do

Malta Things to do

Here is “Malta Things to do” post about the small archipelago in the middle of the Mediterranean, right beneath Sicily and close to Africa. No wonder it was invaded numerous times throughout history by various conquerors – from Phoenicians and Romans, Arabs and the knights, to the British. Their legacy in monuments and culture lives […]