Cocktails in Cuba

Cuban rum: Things to know

Cuban rum has been popular since the 1500s. The one pirates loved and drank a lot is not the same as the one we can buy. (And I didn’t know anything about Cuban rum before I came to the country.) That ancient one was bitter and with a high percentage of alcohol. Still, pirates did love to put sugar and a few herbs in it.

This mixture called draguecito or “a little dragon” is probably the ancestor of the famous mojito, one of the most famous Cuban cocktails we enjoy today worldwide.

Charming Plaza de la Catedral

For those of you who don’t know much about it, here are a few details on how to make it. It comes in a big glass where white cane sugar is mixed with lime juice and crushed stem of mint. They add white rum and the glass is filled with sparkling mineral water and chopped ice.

And you know where the temple of mojito is located? In Havana, of course. So, when you visit Cuba, make sure to come here for a drink, and here is why.

A famous bar in Havana

Cuban rum

The famous cafe La Bodeguita del Medio is situated in Habana Vieja (Old Havana). This is a must when you come to Cuba, so when you go to Plaza de la Catedral (more about the Old Havana in one of the next Glimpses), and you stand in front of the Catedral de San Cristobal, you should turn left in Calle Empedrado. At the halfway point there you will find this legendary restaurant. La Bodeguita del Medio literally means “a little shop in the middle“.

Serving mojito in La Bodeguita

The place was founded in 1942 as a food shop. A bar serving alcoholic drinks was added later and the place became a haunt for intellectuals, artists, and politicians. Today this is a bustling bar serving shots of Cuban rum and cocktails, along with some typical Creole dishes.

The walls are plastered with photographs, drawings, inscriptions, and visitor autographs, including those of Nat King Cole or Gabriel Garcia Marquez. And Ernest Hemingway, of course, who was a regular here and made the place so famous worldwide.

Pictures of famous guests

A regular guest

So, in the previous Glimpse, we covered Hemingway’s 20 years in Havana when he bought the house in the fishermen’s neighborhood, which is now a popular museum. But, before he found the Finca La Vigia villa, he was in Cuba for the whole year, in 1939. During that time he stayed at Havana’s hotel Ambos Mundos, another must-see in Old Havana.

The Ambos Mundos Hotel

One of Hemingway’s passions was Cuban rum and he enjoyed cocktails. Conveniently, his hotel was not far from La Bodeguita del Medio where he spent a lot of time here drinking mojito. You will find a few photos of him accompanied by belated Cuban president Fidel Castro on the wall of the bar, along with his inscription saying “My mojito in La Bodeguita, my daiquiri in El Floredita”.

CUBAN RUM: Hemingway’s inscription in La Bodeguita

Daiquiri in El Floridita

So, my next stop was El Floridita restaurant, of course. The additional reason was that they say that Hemingway helped invent daiquiri as it is served today.

It’s not hard to find it. You stroll along the popular Calle Obispo, where the Ambos Mundos is, and just keep walking a bit further. Remember that this restaurant was also close to the hotel. Looking from the street, you can immediately see that this is a charming bar.

El Floridita as seen from the street

And when you go in, Hemingway will greet you himself. There is a life-sized bust of the great novelist, sculpted by Fernando Boada while the author was still alive, represented as standing at the bar. As if you can have a drink with the man.

They say that the famous daiquiri cocktail was devised here by barman Constante with a little help from Hemingway in the 1930s. It’s served in a chilled cocktail glass. If you are wondering about the daiquiri recipe, here is a hint: white rum is first blended, mixed with sugar, maraschino, lime juice, and crushed ice.

A statue of Hemingway at the bar

Cuban rum tradition

To tell you the truth I didn’t think about Cuban rum before coming here, nor cocktails for that matter. But when in Cuba, you just have to try a few of those popular ones. I was pleasantly surprised that the drinks were soft, with a low percentage of alcohol, tasty, and refreshing.

Always busy in El Floridita

I read somewhere that Cuban rum was in use here since the 1500s when an impure distillate was first obtained from sugar cane. It was popular among pirates and in the 1920s, during American Prohibition, Cuba – which has become an “off limits” paradise for drinkers – refined those early cocktails and created new ones. One of those we probably all heard of is Cuba Libre (meaning “free Cuba”) made from Cuban rum and Coca-Cola mixed with ice and lime juice.

A glass of the famous daiquiri cocktail

One of the obligatory stops related to Cuban rum is also the Fundacion Destileria Havana Club. (Keep in mind that Havana Club is not the only brand of Cuban rum, although it is the most popular among foreign tourists. Locals usually drink other brands.) Here you will learn everything about distillation, oak barrels, and different types of rum. Silver Dry rum is often used in cocktails while the old rum should be poured neat.

Entrance into the Fundacion

You see how Cuban rum is truly a tradition, a part of everyday life. And what better place to have a glass of that refreshing cocktail than – at the beach! That’s where we’re heading next.


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30 responses

    1. Would love to hear your impressions. Along with all the rum history, famous people, cocktails, the atmosphere itself, it’s such a unique experience in Cuba. 🙂

    1. I’m not a “drinker” myself, but it would be almost a “blasphemy” not to have mojito or daiquiri in Havana! 😀 It just goes with the rest of the atmosphere.
      And yes, the rum museum is a nice stop, after all – this is one of Cuban traditions. 🙂

  1. Alcohol and me are totally incompatible, but I would visit the bars of Cuba nevertheless. For the sake of atmosphere and Hemingway. Thanks for the Cuban vibes!

    1. I agree. After all, this is not a post about alcohol, but rather about the rum tradition in Cuba, Hemingway’s favorite bars, one interesting period in Havana’s history that shouldn’t be missed when visiting. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

  2. It is fascinating to know that Ernst Hemmingway helped in devising a cocktail. This is a fresh and refreshing perspective of Cuba. Had always read more about the cigars and classic cars.

    1. Oh, it’s all there – cigars and cars included, that’s Cuba! 😀
      Of course I’ll have posts on those as well, but Cuba is so much more than just cigars and old cars. Such a vibrant country with so much history and lovely traditions! 🙂

  3. I do love rum so this was an interesting article to read for me. I particularly like that Hemingway had such a big role in drinking mojitos in Cuba. That is my top drink! Cheers to Hemmingway and Cuba for mojitos!

  4. Thanks for sharing the amazing history about rum, I haven’t been to Cuba, but it has always been on my list, so next time when I will head to Cuba will definitely try out their cocktails.

    1. I’m not really into alcohol, but these cocktails were nice, not strong, soft, refreshing, and you can always have one in the evening when the temperature drops a bit, or by the pool. You’ll love them! 🙂

  5. Ooohhh.. Interesting read. I didn’t know much about Cuba’s cocktail. Though i’m not much of a cocktail drinker, I think the experience itself is interesting enough 🙂

    1. Exactly! I didn’t know much about cocktails either, but I’ve learned a thing or two in Cuba. And the whole atmosphere was just great, so pleasant. 🙂

  6. Never thought Hemingway had a hand in devising a cocktail. I am totally trying this one. This place has really got some history.

  7. I don’t drink alcoholic drinks. So I was reading between the lines 🙂 . The architecture of the buildings, the setup of the cafe and everything else looks wonderful. I can’t wait to go to cuba

  8. Following Hemingway’s drinking exploits in Cuba seems like a good way to anchor a boozy trip. I always imagine Hem as a straight whiskey sort of guy and I am more of an anything with chocolate or fruit in it sort of drinker. Mojitos are solid in my book but I often take too much sugar for the purist.

    It makes sense that prohibition would have brought a lot of tourists to Cuba. I just never connected the dots before.

    1. And it’s so interesting when you do, right, when all comes to its place and start to makes sense. 🙂
      Oh well, I’m not a drinker myself, but there was no way to skip mojito and daiquiri in Havana. 😀 Don’t like sweet drinks either, but chocolate.. in a form of a chocolate… Yummy! 😛

  9. Beautiful! I love the rustic atmosphere in this side of town. We don’t really drink, but we would love to visit those bars to check out Cuban non-alcoholic cocktails. 🙂

    1. You don’t have to, of course. Just imagine sitting next to Hemingway (the life-sized statue at the bar) with those photos on the wall. 🙂 It’s really a unique experience.
      And Havana is rustic all around. There’ll be few posts on what to see in the city, hope you’ll find them interesting.
      Thanks, guys! 🙂

  10. We went to Cuba in 2012. It was like 20% exploring and tours, 20% sleeping and 60% cocktails! Glad to see you found the cocktails too! We even brought home some rum! We didn’t make it to Havana though, maybe next time!

    1. That’s one huge reason to go back. 😉 Havana is really a unique city. You’re welcome to stop by the blog again these days, since there’ll be few posts solely on Havana this week. Thanks, guys! 🙂

  11. What an interesting view of Cuba, through the eyes of Hemingway. That looks like such a fun area to explore … and of course have a drink or 2!

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